Salma Ben Khelifa

Salma Ben Khelifa

Through the Lazord Fellowship, Salma had the chance to be part of the most prominent NGOs within the Tunisian Ecosystem and she was lucky enough to have a team that strongly believed in her! She had the chance to experiment within the organization, first having responsibilities working with civil society partner organizations, then moving on to having a role in public relations. It has definitely been an enriching experience where she got to learn more about the Tunisian ecosystem, and in return give back to the organization.

Israa Ahmad Al Bargoothy

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Israa Al Bargoothy’s involvement in the community started earlier in her life in high school. After being a volunteer at several centers and organizations, she decided to start her own initiative, Change a Million Souls, to help people in raising awareness for their rights and education.

She has developed a strong sense of devotion for the nonprofit sector by participating in several projects and conferences. She also has a passion for training and has recently become a certified trainer by the European Union through the Civil Society Facility South Project in Tunisia. Specialized in social accountability, she has attended several trainings in Jordan and in the Arab region, giving her a deep appreciation for how nonprofits seek to improve the quality of life for individuals and the community.