Kareem Nabil

Kareem holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Education from Helwan University, where his academic journey laid the foundation for his commitment to community development.

His life’s driving force is rooted in a profound passion to effect positive change in his community and enhance the lives of those around him. Kareem firmly believes that the impact one leaves on others’ lives is the most valuable aspect of life itself. This belief was solidified within him because he participated in an activity with the Egyptian Scouts, where he served as a scout leader for a team of children. He developed their life and scouting skills through scout activities, games, and active learning strategies. Kareem pondered why he couldn’t transfer this experience to children in the community beyond scouting. He decided to initiate a community project to develop and enhance children’s social and life skills. During his research to write his initiative, Kareem discovered a field called development, in which he found a significant sector working on children and education.

So, embarking on his path in the field of development during his university studies, Kareem dedicated his time to volunteering with various esteemed organizations, both locally and internationally. Among these organizations are Y-Peer, Care Egypt, CRS, JICA, and Educatme. In each volunteering endeavour, Kareem aimed to craft a unique experience, ensuring a diverse set of skills and knowledge. His volunteering efforts spanned across projects addressing critical issues such as gender equality, education, refugee and migrant support, livelihoods, and healthcare. These diverse experiences served as a profound learning ground, providing Kareem with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of the development field.

Presently, Kareem finds himself immersed in a new and transformative phase of life, one that he considers a journey of continuous learning and exploration. Committed to making a lasting impact, Kareem looks forward to leveraging his skills and experiences for the betterment of communities and societies at large. Through his work, he aspires to contribute to creating positive, sustainable change that echoes for generations to come.

Khloud Awad

Khloud Awad

Over the past years, Khloud has gained a diverse set of skills and experience in coordinating fieldwork. Her journey began with the Egyptian Family Planning Association, where she served as a junior researcher and trainer, leading teams in data collection and analysis to address issues and find potential solutions. She then interned with the UNFPA on the safe spaces project, which aimed to integrate refugee women into Egyptian society. In this role, she was responsible for field visits, training design and facilitation, and focus group evaluation. She also had the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of the program, including stakeholder outreach, budgeting, and program planning. After that she worked as a Case Management Coordinator for unaccompanied and separated refugee and asylum-seeking children where she felt that she was able to fully realize her potential. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she led the development of a community-based support system and effectively managed her team as they responded to the needs of children without compromising the quality of their services. She is currently working with Care International where she is responsible for implementing the project within the field.

Qabas Maraqa

Qabas Maraqa

Qabas is someone who has always wanted to represent and help her community by using her IT background. In looking for an opportunity in civil society, she discovered the Lazord Fellowship. During the fellowship she worked as an entrepreneurship and employment officer at INJAZ. After the fellowship Qabas got the chance to travel to Romania to work with children and children with disabilities for 6 months. Qabas is now on her way to achieving her dreams by teaching children how to code and to develop computer programs.