Chourouk Amouri

Chourouk Amouri

Chourouk Amouri obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Institute of High Commercial Studies of Carthage and is currently a student who is pursuing her master’s in entrepreneurship. Throughout her years in college, Chourouk was involved in various initiatives, both nationally and internationally, in the fields of leadership, arts, volunteering and journalism. These experiences have allowed her to see herself as well as the world around her under a different light, one where change is possible and necessary. She has also acquired different skills thanks to the projects she took part in, such as intercultural management, communication, translation, writing and entrepreneurship. Through the Lazord Fellowship, Chourouk wishes to gain the tools that will allow her to thrive in her career and to have an impact on the causes she believes in.

Linda Shrafi

Linda Shrafi

Linda graduated from the Hashemite University with a bachelor’s degree in banking and financial science. As a student, she had a strong interest in volunteer work, PR, and social media.

Linda has participated in capacity building e-learning opportunities covering youth development, health care and rights issues, advocacy, communications, and project management.

Linda is a trainer in civic engagement and youth empowerment at the Jordan Youth Commission as well as a member of and a team leader at the International Platform of Young Entrepreneurs (PFYE).

She is a member and volunteer at I Dare for the Online Love Speech campaign.

As a Lazord Fellow, Linda was the project coordinator at the Princess Basma Youth Research Center. She is currently the production coordinator at the Royal Film Commission.