Khouloud Faizy

Khouloud Faizy

Khouloud works to create change in the health care services, for them to be human-centered and gender oriented. She graduated as a midwife from the higher school of health sciences and techniques in 2021. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in human rights and international humanitarian law, in parallel with a master’s degree in governance of public policy. In 2021, she won the Ambassador for a Day competition that was organized by the British Embassy in Tunisia. She co-founded an independent movement, Ambassadors for Equality, which provides programs to empower underserved girls and young women to claim their rights and create a healthier environment where they can live free from discrimination and violence. She and her team implemented two programs, TeenGirlsLead and Power Voices Challenge.

Khoulud’s journey with the Academy of National Dialogue (AND) began in 2020 as a project manager. She managed a team, organized and moderated 2 seminars about gender equality and women’s rights, one in collaboration with the municipality of Tunis, and the other in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), where she demonstrated great public speaking and team-work skills. She also organized and moderated online seminars about education, environment and local authority after the pandemic. She is a trainer in human rights, gender equality, and democracy, and has facilitated workshops and dialogue sessions on different subjects.

Hiba Ghanmi

Hiba Ghanmi

Hiba Ghanmi is a journalist who is interested in minority rights, social justice, and culture. She obtained her journalism degree from the Institute of Press and Information Sciences in Tunis. She is currently working on her dissertation to obtain a master’s degree in democracy and elections management.

Her skills vary between journalistic writing and editing, news reporting, interviewing, investigating, photography, and more. She worked as a journalist intern in Tunisian Television and TAP agency and as an intern at IFES Tunisia. She also worked as a freelancer content officer with a Saudi public relations Agency.

She took part in several workshops and trainings about democracy, decentralization, fighting corruption, health journalism, fact checking, data visualization and content creation. Hiba is also a reporter, with the “Mourassiloun” program, with whom she wrote several articles related to decentralization and local issues.

Montassar Bellah Jaaouene

Montassar Bellah Jaaouene

Montassar Bellah has a bachelor’s degree in public law and political science from the University of Tunis Manar. Nonetheless, he dodged working in the legal industry as he opted to further his studies in a master’s program in the field of science and technology policies. He is expecting to receive his master’s in December 2023.

Montassar was happy to have been accepted to the Lazord Fellowship because he thought it was the best opportunity to improve his professional skills. Through the fellowship, he was placed at the Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE) as a data analyst and communications department assistant.

When Montassar is not at work or university, he loves to spend his time jogging or reading books and mangas.

Ghazoua Selmi

Ghazoua Selmi

An accomplished and driven individual, known for her unwavering determination and profound commitment to making a positive impact. With a Master’s degree in English literature and a trailbazing career in diverse fields, Ghazoua has garnered recognition and admiration for her achievements and contributions.

Mouamar Moumar

Mouamar Moumar

Muamer graduated from the Hashemite University with a bachelor’s degree in international relations and strategic studies. He believes that young people in the Jordanian community do not receive adequate representation in the political system. He also believes that this is a result of misconceptions in youth’s minds about political and partisan participation. However, thanks to the economic and political openness, youth in Jordan are developing their political knowledge in comparison to the past.

Through the Lazord Fellowship, he joined Partners-Jordan as a project coordinator, working on empowering and raising political awareness for women and youth. This is helping him further broaden his knowledge and deepen his understanding of the political atmosphere, which will eventually give him the chance to lead and have a role in Jordan’s political reform.

Shahd Alayed

Shahd Alayed

Shahd Alayed is a youth leader who graduated from the Hikmat Leaders program. She is interested in community work and social entrepreneurship, particularly in the education and unemployment fields. Shahd started a project called “PlanZ” to address the gap between student skills and market needs. Through the Lazord Fellowship, Shahd is working as a MENA training assistant for New Tactics in Human Rights.

Haya Naber

Haya Naber

Haya embarked on her civic engagement journey during her school years through volunteerism by discovering her passion at the age of 14 while raising donations for children to fulfil their wishes for essentials like warm socks. This commitment continued as she pursued her B.Sc. in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. During her academic journey, Haya took on leadership roles in a non-profit platform- dedicated to spreading nutritional and health awareness among Arabic-speaking audiences.

Additionally, she found joy in volunteering across diverse areas through What sets Haya apart is her enthusiasm to gain more knowledge and her eagerness to exchange it and utilize it to create a change. This drive propelled her to excel as a MEAL Assistant at War Child Holland. While the aspirations of the children she serves have evolved beyond simple wishes like warm socks, so has Haya’s determination to contribute to making these bigger dreams a reality.

Yafa Alshayeb

Yafa Alshayeb

Yafa holds a B.A. in Pharmacy. Through the Lazord Fellowship, she is placed at Generations for Peace (GFP) as Programs Coordinator. Her areas of focus will be on on protection, gender-based violence, mental health and psychosocial support, assisting in volunteer training, building partnerships with the National Counselor for Family Affairs, and many other activities.

Anoud Abulghanam

Anoud Abulghanam

Anoud Abulghanam (also known as An Li in Chinese) is currently working in communications at Finn Church Aid, a Finnish NGO dedicated to providing opportunities for the livelihood of youth in Jordan. A firm advocate of trying new things and being a little spontaneous, Anoud decided to pursue a degree in Chinese, start her own chocolate business from home, and travel to the USA through a Women’s Leadership Program. This comes from her belief that trying is better than not, you don’t have to have things figured out 24/7, you should do what you love with love and that your mental health and wellbeing is a top priority. In her free time, Anoud loves to read (to romanticize her life and pretend she’s a fictional character), bake, go on walks and study Chinese.

Ahmad Bani Mostafa

Ahmad Bani Mostafa

Ahmad is a results-oriented mechatronics engineer who has achieved academic success. He also has a good track record of leadership, monitoring and evaluation, as well as data analysis. He is highly motivated to launch his path career in project management, entrepreneurship, and engineering.

Born and raised in Jerash, Jordan, Ahmad is enthusiastic and eager to help make the world a better place, regardless of how small each step is, because every step matters. He decided to apply for the Lazord Fellowship, because its vision and scope align with his, as he believes that the fellowship will definitely widen his vision and enhance his skills in civic engagement, which will allow him to serve his community.

Ahmad loves communicating and connecting with others as he sees that you learn more from experiences and interactions with others. He dreams of reaching a position that will enable him to use his skills for the benefit of his community. A quote that sticks to his mind is, “We make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give.”