Syrine Ouled Marzouk

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Amira Ben Hassen

Amira is an ambitious, dedicated, and committed Tunisian woman, who believes in the power of transformative education for well-being and peace.

Her ambition is to contribute to the development of the Tunisian educational system for enhanced peace and strengthened societies. She is dedicated to this ambition and her professional career working with national and international organizations helped to widen her horizons about the promising impact of investing in youth positive development.

She is committed to supporting youth to unleash their talents and transform vulnerabilities into opportunities for more peaceful communities.

She has 5 years’ experience managing and coordinating projects for several age groups, and mainly youth following approaches that foster dialogue for social cohesion and violence prevention, gender equity and social inclusion (GESI), youth positive development, leadership, preventing/countering violent extremism (P/CVE), participatory governance, women and vulnerable groups’ empowerment, community development, and rehabilitation of ex-prisoners.  Her orientation towards results-based management motivated her to extend her knowledge on aspects related to monitoring, evaluation, and learning, this was further consolidated by collaboration with Synergy management and consulting.

Amina Bousnina

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Duha Abu Omair

Duha Abu Omair

After graduating from the University of Jordan in 2019, Duha joined the Lazord Fellowship Program, which gave her the opportunity to network, and the leadership and guidance to continue to grow and make an incredible impact on the community. After that she worked as an Italian language teacher, presenting her own intercultural experiences and enhancing students’ intercultural and global competencies. Currently, she a senior compliance officer at Amazon, where she is demonstrating the best of her leadership skills.

She believes that fostering intercultural understanding works as a foundation of peace and justice. When peace-building and humanitarian work calls for conflict resolution, intercultural competence is required to develop culturally sensitive and appropriate solutions. It is important to develop our intercultural competence, which is linked to empathy to help us to understand others and see the world from their perspective through listening and observing, critical thinking, flexibility, conflict resolution skills, and tolerance of ambiguity.

Nour Akileh

Nour Akileh

Nour received her BA from Hashemite University, majoring in Literature and Cultural Studies in English. She graduated at the top 3% of her class and was awarded a very prestigious opportunity to represent Jordan abroad in the Study of the U.S Institutes for Student Leaders program at Bard College, New York, becoming one of the International Exchange Alumni. While maintaining her academic excellence, Nour has always been keen on finding a balance between her studies and extracurricular activities and community work in an attempt to help those in need and to grow her personality. Hence, she has an extensive volunteering experience both locally and internationally.

Nour has a unique experience, just like her personality, resulting from the diverse knowledge and experiences she has acquired throughout her journey before, during and after the Lazord Fellowship. She has experience working in cross-cultural communications, further enriched by years of solid experiences in research, innovation and entrepreneurship. This has contributed to creating the cosmopolitan leader she has become.

Nour cares for others and is passionate about intercultural communication and its role in promoting peace and coexistence in communities. Therefore, she has a genuine belief that mutual understanding lead to more inclusive and tolerant societies and that small actions make a big difference.

Smah Bin Tareef

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Rawaa Moumar

Rawaa Moumar

Rawaa is a researcher and project coordinator at the Human Security pillar at the WANA Institute. She is passionate about her field of work as she believes that in a region that is full of flaming conflicts, tensions, and poverty, there is a growing need to focus on putting the most vulnerable first. As the human being is the corner stone of the development process, working towards providing security in each aspect of the human life is what helps a society thrive. Her field of interest is related to prevention of violent extremism, countering hate speech, and promoting intercultural dialogue especially when it comes to women’s and youth’s roles in the prevention of violent extremism and the promotion of peacebuilding.

Nihad Zeidan

Nihad Zeidan

Nihad studied Business Administration and graduated from the Hashemite University with honors. He is passionate about technology and a strong believer in his ability to create an impact and inspire positive change.

Throughout his university years, he worked and volunteered in many civil society organizations and programs.

Nihad truly believes in the importance of self-development and continuous learning; thus, he always works on his knowledge and skills.

He joined one of the most unique programs, Lazord Fellowship, that equipped him with various soft skills and helped him to discover not only civil society, NGOs and the humanitarian field but also himself, and allowed him to work in different areas such as monitoring and evaluation, conducting a research and many more that indirectly helped him to discover his passion in tech.

Therefore, he studied full-stack web development at LTUC – ASAC under one of the most powerful tech boot camps in Jordan in collaboration with Code Fellows Academy and is currently working as a software developer.

Mohammad Alsa’id

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Mahmoud Altratrout

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