Maha Abu Oudeh

Maha Abu Oudeh

Maha is a young leader, an activist in society, and a highly motivated and ambitious individual. She has a passion for changing society and for being a part of the cause for this change. She believes that investing in young people is invaluable and that it is the secret for the prosperity of nations. She had the opportunity to develop her passion through the Lazord Fellowship, which has an effective role in supporting young people. Her work at Al Hussein Fund as project coordinator provided her with a wide experience in different fields such as education, entrepreneurship, development and sustainability.

Maha has also had the opportunity to be part of the Financial Inclusion National Strategy in Jordan, where she was able to represent Jordan in many countries. Through the Lazord Fellowship, Maha conducted the Final Research Project with team members Yusur, Hana, and Ashraf, on, “Gender Equity in Education in Yemen.” Their project won the national competition in Jordan and the regional competition between Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia.

“Lazord is a gemstone, and this fellowship brought out the gems buried in our depths that we did not know existed.”

Yusur Abu Zaienaldeen

Yusur Abu Zaienaldeen

Yusur has experience volunteering with different NGOs in various roles. She has worked as a translator/interpreter, coordinated with research partners, designed research tools and translated them, followed up with field work, facilitated awareness sessions and focus groups, and writing reports. Yusur joined  Lazord hoping to improve her experiences and skills in social work and to reflect on and share what she has learned once she is back amongst her community in Syria.

Hana Ziyad

Hana Ziyad

Hana is a debater and development engineer. She is passionate about youth empowerment and  entrepreneurship. She believes that spreading a culture of dialogue and accepting others are key in community work.