Imen Oueslati

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Imen Oueslati is currently working as a Programme Assistant at UNDP Libya, an international organization based in Tunisia. Her main tasks revolve around the implementation of different projects’ activities.

Prior to this, she was a project assistant with an Italian NGO working on local governance in the framework of the Lazord Fellowship Program for youth support and civic engagement.

She did her undergraduate studies and completed her master’s in Translation at the Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis.

“I believe that the Lazord Fellowship Program offers a pathway for career development and stands as a fast-track program for reinforcement of professional networking.”

Ali Cherif

Ali Cherif

Ali Cherif is a young Tunisian activist. After his bachelor’s degree in technical science, he completed a master’s degree in computer science at the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management.

In 2015, he joined UTIL and began discovering the world of civil society.

He got involved in supporting all aspects of civil society, including the promotion of democracy and citizenship, support of human rights, building expertise, know how, knowledge and training capabilities especially aimed to support vulnerable youth and minorities, and to fight against violent extremism and criminality.

He is a facilitator for the local municipal development program in Kairouan (Tunisian government).

“I believe that the Lazord program is really valuable for those wanting to be social change actors in addition to being a great learning opportunity.”

Riadh Dziri

Riadh Dziri

Riadh admires technology and innovation; therefore he studied computer science and graduated from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis with a master’s degree in computer science with the highest honors. He wanted to stand by his beloved country Tunisia, changed his career path, and professionally joined civil society.

He has been involved in many initiatives on human rights, freedom of association, governance and peace building. By getting accepted to the Lazord Fellowship, he made the best of a great opportunity to strengthen his network, foster his civic engagement and pave a new solid career path. After finishing the fellowship, he worked as a project coordinator at the organization where he had been placed as Lazord Fellow. Currently, he works as a project officer at a regional employers’ organization.

“Aslama ! ‘Do what you love, Riadh, and be what you want.’ This is what i have been telling myself. Believing in what I want to become, driven by my passion, I’m confidently heading for success.”

Jihad Mohammad Alfar

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Jihad is very proud to have been part of the fellowship program and that he returned to his personality with intellectual and social development and more social relations and knowledge.

He gained excellent professional experience through his work at INJAZ.

The fellowship program is an opportunity that does not compensate and you have a person who is looking and has the passion to work in civil society institutions and humanitarian and development institutions.

Thank you, Lazord!

“I have the energy to work for social change and to promote peace, peace, peace, and peace.”

Israa Ahmad Al Bargoothy

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Israa Al Bargoothy’s involvement in the community started earlier in her life in high school. After being a volunteer at several centers and organizations, she decided to start her own initiative, Change a Million Souls, to help people in raising awareness for their rights and education.

She has developed a strong sense of devotion for the nonprofit sector by participating in several projects and conferences. She also has a passion for training and has recently become a certified trainer by the European Union through the Civil Society Facility South Project in Tunisia. Specialized in social accountability, she has attended several trainings in Jordan and in the Arab region, giving her a deep appreciation for how nonprofits seek to improve the quality of life for individuals and the community.

Heba Qaisi

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Linda Shrafi

Linda Shrafi

Linda graduated from the Hashemite University with a bachelor’s degree in banking and financial science. As a student, she had a strong interest in volunteer work, PR, and social media.

Linda has participated in capacity building e-learning opportunities covering youth development, health care and rights issues, advocacy, communications, and project management.

Linda is a trainer in civic engagement and youth empowerment at the Jordan Youth Commission as well as a member of and a team leader at the International Platform of Young Entrepreneurs (PFYE).

She is a member and volunteer at I Dare for the Online Love Speech campaign.

As a Lazord Fellow, Linda was the project coordinator at the Princess Basma Youth Research Center. She is currently the production coordinator at the Royal Film Commission.

Noha Mosaad

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Noha Mosaad has been working and volunteering in civil society for the past 4 years. Her passion for civic engagement motivated her to travel from her hometown to the capital to explore more opportunities and develop her skills to further serve the community.

Eager to learn, she joined a number of student activities and simulation models which enabled her to develop her leadership capacity and to acquire different set of skills including communication and problem solving. After graduation, she was accepted into the Lazord Fellowship Program. The program helped her develop a wide range of technical skills such as project management, proposal writing and team building. It also allowed her to expand her network of professionals and non-profits in the field of development locally and internationally.

As a fellow, she joined the team of Microsoft CRS as a Project Manager where she focused on providing youth with a full eco-system environment. Noha was directly involved in developing a variety of capacity building workshops in different governorates to equip the participants with essential skills they needed to know about the market and its dynamics. That experience added a lot to her skills such as coordination, organization, content development, relationship management, planning, scheduling and following up skills.

Furthermore, she completed an internship at the Gerhart Center for Civic Engagement and Business Responsibility at the American University in Cairo (AUC). There, Noha worked as a Program Assistant for “Community Lab Program” in cooperation with United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Her work focused on promoting dialogue and collective problem solving among youth from different backgrounds, organizing different trainings and group discussions to enable participants to collaboratively and collectively develop solutions to address different community needs.

Mohamed Jebriel

Mohamed Jebriel

Mohamed joined the Lazord Fellowship in 2015, right after graduating from college. He was placed at United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). During his year at UNIDO, he worked on two different projects in Upper Egypt in Minya and Luxor. Through the different interventions on the two projects, he was able to learn a lot about human security, green entrepreneurship, technical education, vocational training, agribusiness, and rural development. Shortly after the end of the fellowship, he joined UNIDO as a full-time employee with a focus on green entrepreneurship in Upper Egypt.

Mohamed is passionate about empowering Upper Egypt residents through providing access to knowledge and opportunities for youth, and enhancing the technical education and vocational training for students and graduates. He was able to live out his passion through his social initiative, “Upper Egypt opportunities hub platform,” which is the first non-profit virtual community hub in Egypt for Upper Egypt residents. The hub supports neglected and marginalized communities in the following Egyptian Governorates: Beni Swaif, Fayoum, Luxor, Qena, Aswan, Assiut, Sohag, Red Sea, and New Valley.

His theory of change began when he was a volunteer leader at Masr Ta3mal, an initiative that helps students in career advising and planning; this initiative is supported by Microsoft CSR and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Mohamed is currently an entrepreneurship coordinator at Chemonics Egypt in the eco-industrial department, which specializes in supporting entrepreneurship programs that work with local and international agencies on renewable energy, waste management, agribusiness, and food production. Mohamed received his bachelor’s degree in industrial education from Sohag University, and is currently planning to pursue a master’s degree in green entrepreneurship and livelihood.

Alhassan Ahmed

Alhassan Ahmed

Proud Lazord Fellowship alumnus, Alhassan Ahmed kicked off his journey with Lazord working in the entrepreneurship sector with RiseUp Egypt during the program eight years ago. The fellowship proved transformative, equipping him with invaluable skills and amplifying his network. Following this enriching experience, he embarked on a journey with various prominent INGOs, including Save the Children, Jon Snow Inc, and ultimately UNFPA. Throughout the tenure, he has been steadfast in his commitment to driving positive change and empowering communities. He brings to the table a wealth of expertise and a passion for social impact, making significant strides in the realms of humanitarian aid and development. With a heart dedicated to service and a mind geared towards innovation, he continues to leave a lasting legacy in development field.