Fatema Mustafa

Fatema Mustafa joined Lazord Fellowship to pursue her dream of becoming an advocate for Economic and Social Rights. During the fellowship year, she was placed as a Public Relations and Networking Officer at Egyptian Association for Economic and Social Rights (EAESR), where she represented the association in national and international conferences and meetings. Mustafa worked closely with EAESR team for the female domestic workers’ project that resulted in legislation changes nationwide later. Transitioning from her scientific educational background to storytelling and communication had to take a hands-on experience approach. 10 years later, Mustafa succeeded in owning a diversified worldwide clientele portfolio, supporting different governments, brands, startups, and NGOs with her skills in storytelling and expertise in digital marketing. Back in 2021, post COVID-19, Mustafa moved back to her home country hoping to make a change by collaborating with local NGOs. Since then, she has been working as a Senior Brand Manager for Ibrahim A. Badran Charitable Foundation, assisting in expanding its operations to reach targeted communities across Egypt and build its network of allies and supporters. She is also an active volunteer with Hospice Egypt (JOSAAB) Foundation & a pro-bono communication consultant for EAESR, her placement during the fellowship.

Ohoud Wafi

Ohoud Wafi

Ohoud holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Cairo University as well as a master’s degree in comparative politics from Saint Joseph University in Beirut. She started her career in civil society in Egypt in 2012, when she became a Lazord Fellow. She is passionate about helping vulnerable groups, and believes in the role that governmental and non-governmental entities can play by working together to enhance the welfare of vulnerable groups. She has worked for several organizations, such as Nahdet El Mahrousa, Misr el Kheir Foundation, and Handicap International-Egypt, and has experience in implementing different projects relating to R&D, innovation, education, and the preservation of arts and culture.

Ohoud is currently working on a short mission as a research consultant at AUC, in cooperation with UNICEF Egypt and the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Her main role for this mission is to conduct qualitative research about social workers. She had a similar mission with Handicap International-Egypt, where she conducted a needs assessment for primary health care units in Greater Cairo, focusing on early detection and early intervention (EDEI) services. Dedicated to research, Ohoud has conducted mapping assignments and published reports about: citizenship education in Egypt, the phenomena of co-working spaces, challenges facing civil society in Egypt, and development in Shalatin.

Ghaida AlQudah

Ghaida AlQudah

Ghaida has over six years of experience working with nonprofit organizations in the area of youth development and engagement with a focus on civic education and youth employability. She has actively participated in community development activities and campaigns; Ghaida worked on a youth-focused mass media campaign with UNESCO Amman Office and other national campaigns with UNFPA Youth Network in Jordan. Through her work she has facilitated around 100 sessions on democracy, human rights, gender, and conflict resolution. In addition, she has trained youth on advanced advocacy skills to influence the public discourse by well-organized grassroots campaigns.

Ghaida has attended several trainings and workshops in the MENA region and Europe on the topic of civic engagement, debate, local governance, and strategic planning. She is currently working at a youth empowerment program for crisis-affected Syrian youth in Jordan with an INGO, providing learning pathways to improve livelihoods, increase social engagement, and further education.

Ghaida endeavors to support youth to become active citizens, and to provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to contribute positively to their communities.

Onoud Attiyyeh

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Anoud was born in 1988 in Saudi Arabia, and received a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Since 2011 she has worked and volunteered at several local and international humanitarian organizations. She started her professional experience as a Social Entrepreneurship Officer with INJAZ Jordan through the Lazord Fellowship. This experience allowed to empower herself in various fields, and has encouraged her to learn more and to share her knowledge.

When human beings experience trauma or severe life stress, it is not uncommon for their lives to unravel. Anoud’s great passion is helping people who have been through traumatic/stressful experiences to heal. She helps her clients, who include children, adults, and families to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so that they are able to acknowledge themselves as human beings who are peaceful, complete, whole, and safe.

Mostafa Abdelfattah

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After 4 years of working in civic engagement, Mostafa Abdelfattah took, “maximizing the role of private sector in community development,” as a life mission.

After he graduated from the faculty of Business Administration, he applied to the Lazord Fellowship Program, his first professional step towards the world of civil society. During the fellowship, he was be able to paint a vivid picture about civil society.

He then started to recognize how the private sector organizations could fill the community gaps throughout his engagement in the CSR department of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and his participation in many other programs.

In 2015, he joined the International Labour Organization (ILO) to work with the Exports Project team. This project aims to contribute to the promotion of decent work and competitiveness in Egypt by supporting improved compliance with fundamental principles and rights at work.

He recently joined USAID as CSR Technical Advisor on the Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) project.

Mostafa’s interests include parachuting, diving, Oriental music, history, sociology and anthropology, global affairs, and networking.

Abdelrazzaq Awwad

Abdelrazzaq Awwad

During Abdelrazzaq’s days as a university student, he always signed up for INJAZ programs. He heard about the Lazord Fellowship Program while attending the INJAZ programs and always had his mind set on applying to the fellowship. Upon graduation from his university, he applied to the fellowship and was accepted to the class of 2012-2013, and was placed at Partners–Jordan.

During the fellowship program, INJAZ provided the fellows a series of trainings that positively affected both his social and practical life, which in return opened a huge door of opportunities for him.

He is currently a project coordinator for communication and behavioral discrimination at The Jordan Communication Advocacy and Policy (JCAP) program, which is funded by USAID.

He strongly advises his peers of the Lazord Fellowship Program from this year and the years to come, to make use of every day, hour and minute while in this program. He also advises the fellows to look for challenges and to face them, as he learned a lot from his first job experience.

“INJAZ and Lazord is a magnificent opportunity to start my career path.”

Nancy Otoom

Nancy Otoom

Nancy is a legal researcher and human rights activist. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law and international law from the University of Jordan. She has worked for over seven years in the humanitarian context, at INGOs and embassies.

She has worked in different sectors such as program coordination, political analysis and reporting, conducting and designing training and capacity building programs, in addition to doing several consultancies and research projects.

She has extensive experience working in embassies. She was a political officer at the British Embassy Amman for two years, and was responsible for human rights and legal analysis, in addition to policy-making sessions and programs for Chevening Fellowship Alumni in Jordan. Nancy is currently working at the Embassy of Canada Jordan in Amman as a political officer with similar responsibilities to those she had at the British Embassy Amman.


Wisam Khalifa

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Wisam Khalifeh works as a disability employment project officer and as a trainer.

Wisam is a judge in the Young Arab Voices program.

Karim Ahmed

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Karim is an accomplished data analyst skilled in achieving operational efficiency and increasing impact in not-for-profit organizations. He has competencies in monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, operation management, people performance, needs assessment, business development, and exceptional planning and implementation capabilities.

Karim’s personal mission is to emphasize the role of civic education in developing the nations’ standards of living.

Reem Khedr

Reem Khedr

Reem Khedr is a Jameel fellow pursuing an MPA with a concentration in management of development and nonprofit organizations. Reem is currently working as a program officer at Tomorrow’s Leaders Scholarship Program at the American University in Cairo (AUC). She was a LEAD student who graduated from AUC in December 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism, minoring in sociology. She was a Lazord Fellow with the John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement in 2012-2013 where she worked with street children at NHASD. Reem has accumulated seven years of experience with nonprofit organizations, including the Goethe-Institut and Save the Children. In the field of cultural management, she has coordinated Access to Arts Program at Mahatat for contemporary art for 3 years, and has been part of the 2017 MENA cultural academy offered by the Goethe-Institut in Berlin. Reem is also a member of the Cultural Innovators Network, a cross-sectoral and cross-cultural network of young activists from countries north and south of the Mediterranean. She has a special interest in artistic curation, cultural management and translation. Reem would like to teach at AUC someday and is dreaming of kickstarting a cultural/artistic community center in Damietta, her hometown.