Khloud Awad

Khloud Awad

Over the past years, Khloud has gained a diverse set of skills and experience in coordinating fieldwork. Her journey began with the Egyptian Family Planning Association, where she served as a junior researcher and trainer, leading teams in data collection and analysis to address issues and find potential solutions. She then interned with the UNFPA on the safe spaces project, which aimed to integrate refugee women into Egyptian society. In this role, she was responsible for field visits, training design and facilitation, and focus group evaluation. She also had the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of the program, including stakeholder outreach, budgeting, and program planning. After that she worked as a Case Management Coordinator for unaccompanied and separated refugee and asylum-seeking children where she felt that she was able to fully realize her potential. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she led the development of a community-based support system and effectively managed her team as they responded to the needs of children without compromising the quality of their services. She is currently working with Care International where she is responsible for implementing the project within the field.

Mennatallah Eissa

Mennatallah Eissa

Mennatallah is an impact-oriented professional working in Edtech and social entrepreneurship sectors with a passion to curate learnings journeys to empower and upskill young people. For the past five years, Mennatallah has worked with global organizations such as Ashoka, British Council, and Erasmus+ to design and fundraise for sustainable, applicable, and innovative programs for youth-led social enterprises across the Arab region. Besides this, Mennatallah has been consulting startups and SMEs to scale their educational technology solutions to advance the learning journeys of thousands of students in Middle East and Africa. Currently, Mennatallah is working as a Program Coordinator at McKinsey & Company.

Sara Alaa

Sara Alaa

Sara graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University. She majored in political science, minored in public administration and graduated with a very good grade. After graduation, she joined the Lazord Fellowship hosted by the John D. Gerhart Center at the American University in Cairo (AUC). It was an eye-opening regional experience that provided her with professional and civic skills through a year-long job placement at the Civic Participation Program of the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Initiative (DEDI) as a program assistant. She considers this experience a milestone in her career that made her grounded and well-prepared to pursue a professional career in development sector. In 2022, she graduated with a Monitoring and Evaluation Diploma, offered by AUC. Currently, she works as a MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning) at Catholic Relief Services.

Mostafa Nehad

Mostafa is a youth leader in the civic society field who is passionate about a project management career.

Mostafa is eager to learn more about his career, so he started working at Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development (AYB-SD) during Lazord Fellowship in order to practice all the project management activities. He still works and grows there.

Alongside, he is a consultant in research, data collection, data analysis, project implementation, livelihood projects, creating manuals and curricular. In addition,he works as an employability and entrepreneurship trainer as well as a career coach.

Mostafa graduated from the Faculty of Commerce English Section; Business Administration department and he is always ambitious to achieve all of his own career goals.

Mostafa Shahin

Mostafa Shahin

Mostafa is a dedicated, proactive business graduate from Egypt with a passion for entrepreneurship and travel. He has had a long record of community engagement since 2012. After graduating, he travelled to Bangalore, India, where he became familiar with the entrepreneurial scene in India during his stay at Jagaa startup incubator.

Following this experience, Mostafa explored a banking career in multiple banks. Pursuing his passion, he quit his job at the bank and applied for the Lazord Fellowship for development studies. Shortly after, Mostafa joined AUC Venture Lab Startup accelerator, where he worked closely with entrepreneurs to refine and scale their business.

Currently, Mostafa is a Fulbright Scholar and a 2nd year MBA Student focusing on Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Georgia.

Abdulrahman Ebrahim

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Bigad Haytham

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Ahmed Khalaf

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Ahmed Saad

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Lina Azkoul

Lina Azkoul

Lina is a public health activist and feminist. She started volunteering as a medical student in 2009 by being part of IFMSA and different civil society organizations that aim to empower people with knowledge and skills to make better health choices and decisions. Upon her graduation from Tanta University in Egypt, she joined the Lazord Fellowship as a fellow of the class 2015-2016, during which she was placed at UNAIDS Egypt. Lina is a TDR WHO Global scholarship awardee, currently pursuing her Master of Public Health at the American University of Beirut (AUB), with a concentration in health promotion and community health. She is also a trainer for sexual reproductive health and rights and HIV/AIDS, and has collaborated with several national organizations in Egypt, providing sessions to to university students, adolescents, women in unprivileged areas, refugees, LGBTQ, and people living with HIV.

Lina is a co-author of, “Arab youth respond to the Lancet Commission on adolescent health and wellbeing,” published by the Lancet, as one of 16 members of the, “Arab Youth Health Coalition,” from the MENA region, after they participated in the regional launch of the Lancet Commission’s report at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, in 2016.