2023 - 2024
Social Entrepreneurship
Administrative Assistant at Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE)
Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences Research, ESSTS, Tunis-El Manar University
Arij, a young biomedical researcher with a thirst for intellectual growth, she earned her diploma in medical biology with honours. This achievement served as a stepping stone towards her pursuit of a career in biology. In 2022, Arij’s dream of becoming a medical researcher became a reality. Her commitment to the field was evident in her tireless pursuit of scientific knowledge and by working in laboratories and studying her passion, combining business with pleasure.
However, Arij’s dedication to making a positive impact extended far beyond her scientific achievements. She recognized the importance of giving back to society and channelling her compassion toward the greater good. Arij joined the Red Crescent, an organization dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance. Through her involvement, she embodied courage and compassion, touching the lives of those in need and making a lasting impact. In 2019, Arij took her civic engagement a step further by joining the Junior Chamber International (JCI). With her determination, she became an invaluable asset to the organization. In 2023, she was elected as the Vice President, a testament to her leadership and ability to drive positive change. She showcased exceptional debating and public speaking skills, leading the JCI debate team to success in regional competitions.
Through her academic pursuits, her dedication to civic engagement, and her exceptional leadership skills, she has become a Lazord fellow within the Tunisian chapter of 2023-2024. Beyond her laboratories and civil achievements, Arij finds inspiration in the pages of books and the landscapes of her travels. Her love for healthy living permeates her daily life, where she strives to maintain an active and balanced lifestyle.